
Medium | Emir Kocaman


1. The school of architecture is a CANAL carrying the events that contact with the context of architecture.
the canal comes into existence out of its boundary, topography, and its defined programs.
2. The EVENTs establish and destroy the relationships between architecture and culture.
event establishes and destroys the relationship between architecture and the “omnipresent.”
what allows and shapes this is the potential of the canal itself.
learning process/event, all the inputs -consumed data- and the outputs -produced data- of the canal are a process of motion.

3. Intellectual maturity and technical skills required to trigger the EVENTS require a minimum threshold for individuals.
a balance must be established between collective productivity and individual satisfaction.
the boundary of the canal is shaped according to this balance.

4. school promises not a label, but a CODE.

For the final jury presentation please click here.