Pot Street // CC

Pot Street | Cihat Çağlar


In creative processes like architecture and design education, restrictions like grade and curriculum that brings up monotype designers cannot be accepted.
Pot|Street is a platform of sharing experiences and producing together. Learners without any age and profession restriction can enter the POT|Street online or physically.
Street is a place bringing together and connecting people from different backgrounds.
The main spine of POT| Street is Do It Together (DIT) activities. It gives learners the chance to find their interests and improve themselves in a multidisciplinary process. Learners can attend DIT’s. Moreover, they can create DIT’s and its space with the help of core.
POT|Street does not offer only one type of learning process and space. Each person can find and design their unique learning process through Street and create their folios.
POT|Street provides space to work, research, produce and live together. Learners can attend DIT’ s to just improve themselves. Besides, they can challenge themselves at community and become professional.

For the final jury presentation please click here.